CoastWIDE Church believes in and presents the following basic truths:
i) The Holy Scriptures - Their inspiration and infallibility
ii) The Godhead - Comprising the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
iii) The Lord Jesus Christ - His humanity, deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death for the sins of the world, resurrection for our justification, ascension to the Father's right hand, and personal return to reign upon earth.
iv) Salvation - By faith in, and confession of, Jesus Christ as Lord, producing an upright and moral life.
v) The Ordinances - Water Baptism, for all believers by immersion, the Lord's supper, celebrated regularly in remembrance of Christ.
vi) Divine Healing - Secured for every believer through the atonement of Christ and deliverance of all bondage to the power of satan.
vii) The Baptism in the Holy Spirit - With speaking in other tongues.
viii) The Gifts of the Holy Spirit - For the equipment of ministry and the edification of the Church; the fruit of the Holy Spirit as the expression of Christian character in believers.
ix) The Church - Comprising all born again believers of all nations and denominations under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ.
x) Bible Prophecy - It's fulfilment in world events, heralding the climax of this age and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
xi) We believe a move of the Holy Spirit will sweep across Australia and the World..
Shayne Cunningham
Senior Pastor, CoastWIDE Church.