Win the lost, make disciples, empower leaders.
Our vision is to establish a culture of vibrancy and life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. Equipping people to live extraordinary lives by the power of the Holy Spirit and Word Of God. Building on a foundation of love, acceptance and mercy we demonstrate the compassion of Christ which brings hope and healing to our community
Discipleship : “They devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching …” We promote spiritual growth and maturity through an understanding of Scriptures and then living those scriptures out in your lives..
Fellowship : “Devoted to the fellowship … all believers were together and had everything in common … they ate together.” We want to make sure that loving relationships permeate every aspect of our church inside and out.
Worship :- “They devoted themselves to breaking of bread and to prayer … praising God.” We desire to be a worshipping church, responding in praise and obedience to God’s truth. We want to glorify God in our worship of Him.
Ministry : “They gave to anyone as he had need.” We want to serve Jesus’ name in our church, local community and world.
Evangelism :- “And the Lord added to their number daily”. We desire to share the gospel (good news) of God through Christ locally and globally. Evangelism is a natural by product of health.
Shayne Cunningham
Senior Pastor, CoastWIDE Church.